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Creator Dr Glenda Rivoallan went on a voyage of discovery to uncover the secret recipe of becoming resilient as fudge… where people and businesses pulse with perseverance, positivity and commitment and where people are thriving. 

“Everyone deserves to live and work well,” – Glenda thought. 

So, she made a book about the personal and professional layers of the resilience mastery. It’s called Resilient as Fudge! and it explores a simple 4-3-6 resilience model that anyone can use to be successful. These MINDSET, SKILLSET and TOOLSET practices, known as Resilient as Fudge, are the foundation of our training solutions.


Creator Dr Glenda Rivoallan went on a voyage of discovery to uncover the secret recipe of becoming resilient as fudge… where people and businesses pulse with perseverance, positivity and commitment and where people are thriving. 

“Everyone deserves to live and work well,” – Glenda thought. 

So, she made a book about the personal and professional layers of the resilience mastery. It’s called Resilient as Fudge! and it explores a simple 4-3-6 resilience model that anyone can use to be successful. These MINDSET, SKILLSET and TOOLSET practices, known as Resilient as Fudge, are the foundation of our training solutions.

  • Is an invitation to re-awaken the self-trusting, creative spirit within each of us, with a commitment to being the best you.
  • Cultivates a resilient mindset shift about what’s possible and fosters new attitudes and approaches, allowing individuals to not only navigate challenges more effectively but also to thrive in the face of adversity.
  • Builds a resilient skillset that enables a workplace to not only to cope with adversity but also thrive in the face of challenges.
  • Develops a resilient toolset that refers to a collection of resources, strategies, and tools that individuals and businesses can utilize to enhance their an enhance their resilience, better navigate disruptions, and build the capacity to thrive in the long term.
  • Inspires open conversations fostering collaboration and trust.
  • Is old wisdom for each new day that everyone can embrace; an invitation that enables people to care about each other and their commitments.
  • Is a practice which through invitation and commitment, evolves over time creating a positive workplace and a resilient culture.
  • Is a common language that helps improve your culture through a simple philosophy and a highly impactful model.
  • Is an invitation to re-awaken the self-trusting, creative spirit within each of us, with a commitment to being the best you.
  • Cultivates a resilient mindset shift about what’s possible and fosters new attitudes and approaches, allowing individuals to not only navigate challenges more effectively but also to thrive in the face of adversity.
  • Builds a resilient skillset that enables a workplace to not only to cope with adversity but also thrive in the face of challenges.
  • Develops a resilient toolset that refers to a collection of resources, strategies, and tools that individuals and businesses can utilize to enhance their an enhance their resilience, better navigate disruptions, and build the capacity to thrive in the long term.
  • Inspires open conversations fostering collaboration and trust.
  • Is old wisdom for each new day that everyone can embrace; an invitation that enables people to care about each other and their commitments.
  • Is a practice which through invitation and commitment, evolves over time creating a positive workplace and a resilient culture.
  • Is a common language that helps improve your culture through a simple philosophy and a highly impactful model.

What We Do

Resilient as Fudge inspires, educates, coaches and empowers individuals, teams and organisations to create resilient cultures that keep employees invested for years to come.

Resilient as Fudge strengthens trust, collaboration and engagement—the foundation your team needs to excel. People are more engaged when they think, feel and behave in a way that is resilient and and more committed to live what they’ve learned. Start seeing your work in a fresh and powerful way.

What We Do

Resilient as Fudge! Inspires, educates, coaches and empowers individuals, teams and organisations to create resilient cultures that keep employees invested for years to come.

Resilient as Fudge strengthens trust, collaboration and engagement—the foundation your team needs to excel. People are more engaged when they think, feel and behave in a way that is resilient and and more committed to live what they’ve learned. Start seeing your work in a fresh and powerful way.


Nature poses many valuable lessons that can teach us how to be more resilient and unrelenting in life, while at the same time becoming more patient and understanding. 

Think of our growth and resilience like that of a tree. Just like any healthy, mature tree, resilience needs strong roots (the resilient mindset), a stable trunk (the resilient skillset), which in turn, will promote the branches to grow (the resilient toolset).

Our programmes are centred around our unique and memorable 4-3-6 model that reprogrammes our minds and changes our habits to set us up for thriving.



The Core Ingredient

The resilient mindset is characterized by 4 attitudes, beliefs, and cognitive patterns that enable individuals to navigate challenges, setbacks and adversity, bouncing back stronger than you were before.


Mixing & Moulding

The resilient skillset encompasses 3 abilities and competencies that enable individuals to effectively navigate challenges, adapt to change, and bounce back from setbacks.


The Icing on the Cake

The resilient toolset refers to a collection of 6 tools, which act as resources and strategies to support individuals, teams and organisations in thriving.



The resilient mindset is characterized by 4 attitudes, beliefs, and cognitive patterns that enable individuals to navigate challenges, setbacks and adversity, bouncing back stronger than you were before.


The resilient skillset encompasses 3 abilities and competencies that enable individuals to effectively navigate challenges, adapt to change, and bounce back from setbacks.


The resilient toolset refers to a collection of 6 tools, which act as resources and strategies that individuals and organisations utilize to enhance their ability to bounce back from adversity and thrive in challenging situations.

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Don't wait any longer, take the first steps towards resilience and better results by getting in touch today.

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